Linkage 3.10

Free Generates and modifies inkage mechanisms
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Design and edit linkage mechanisms b setting up the number of operations needed to add a link and get it connected to other links in a modeled system and optimizing the structure to the lowest number possible applying automated calculation algorithms.

Linkage is a computer aided design program used for quick prototyping of linkage mechanisms. The number of operations needed to add a link and get it connected to other links in the mechanism has been minimized to the lowest number possible, making this program ideal for “throwing together” a working machine. The mechanism is edited and animated in the same window allowing for quick analysis and modification while working on a design. It is simplistic for a CAD program but that is the intent.

Comments (14)

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Awesome application! I build kinetic sculptures and this application has become an essential tool to quickly explore/create/ test dozens of linkage and coupler curve designs. I can have a design in my head or on paper, then create it in Linkage, and discover immediately, the design is not going to work (More often than not). I make the necessary adjustments or discover a new approach and can have a new design with dimensions on a dxf file ready for CAD in a matter of minutes. I usually tinker around a bit longer though. Great work! Thank you!

2 months ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Seyfert
Thank you so much for this!
Linkage has served me a lot in developing prototypes and final products since its first version years ago.

Oct 6, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(2) | Reply
rating Francisco Rivera
This software helps me out to create a prototype suspension.

Aug 14, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(1) no(1) | Reply


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